The Mozart Effect: Music Makes You Smart

Many studies have attempted to expose or reproduce the so-called “Mozart effect,” but the beliefs surrounding it have somehow remained for many years. Even as we are familiar with today, the Mozart effect affects how we listen to and consume classical music. With the popularity of the “Mozart effect,” looking back, there is a possibility that a myth may be born.

Some researchers had previously studied the therapeutic and emotional effects of Mozart’s music. Subjects generally performed better after listening to Mozart. The results’ hype has led to an explosion of products that promote the beneficial effects of classical music, especially on the infant’s brain. Writer and music critic Don Campbell wrote the Mozart effect and spread the “science” that pee becomes a superchild when listening to Mozart’s music.

Oddly enough, this idea also appeared in the Pixar Short Jack Attack in the Incredibles world. When babysitter Cali declares “it’s time for nerve stimulation,” and the recording, the baby’s intense superpower is unleashed.

But a few things are particularly strange considering how we escaped culturally in the sense of research and with confusing science. “Mozart” here means “music,” not necessarily Mozart. The other two stimuli were silence and relaxation bands. What if they were playing Schumann? The last point is especially shining.

After many false reports, including the New York Times, he had to correct the problem himself and refute their work implied that Mozart had promoted intelligence. The temporary increase in spatial thinking may have been solely due to mood improvement.

The Mozart Sonata

This Mozart sonata is very fun in one movement and can put participants in a better headspace. So, in theory, any fun music or any other kind of stimulus that inspires you could work. If you are a music creator you should try buy spotify plays to gain more listeners or enthusiast. Even if you know it well, you can’t let go of the idea that classical music makes us smarter.

Musicologist Linda Shaver Gleason has a theory about why and explained it in a summary article titled you don’t need science to tell yourself why you like songs. It comes down to the society in which we live, at least the United States. For some reason, we want to think that art and aesthetics, and usefulness are meaningful.

It’s not enough to listen to relaxing music or upload your favorite photos. Overall, we need to play a role in becoming better people. In addition, selling a product is much easier when it can make you smarter or better. And when it comes to classical music, it’s easy to turn it into good music, but it has some unfortunate implications.

The idea that the best music to perform a particular task doesn’t seem to take hold right away. But again, it depends on whether you like what you’re listening to. But if it helps some people work more efficiently, it empowers them. But as classical and other music lovers, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to love what we love.