For more than a decade now, the debates between Mac and Windows have been raging. For this article, we will be talking about the different arguments on both sides in order to provide a clear picture of why you prefer one platform over another. Moreover, the post attempts to represent both sides of the arguments equally, but may be weighted more towards Windows users as Windows is the operating choice for the majority of Lifehacker readers especially when Windows 10 is released. Despite the number of negative issues about it, there happens to be a lot of ways to troubleshoot just like what is stated in
If you are in a position where you find it hard to decide whether you will go for Mac or Windows then you must keep on reading.
Mac Hardware Costs Too Much for What You Get
A lot of people feel the cost of a Mac is not worth the price of the product that they will get, but there are others that justify the heftier price tag by citing top-tier support, higher quality hardware, and the benefits of the Apple ecosystem. Whether or not you feel those points are accurate, Mac hardware does come with a number of limitations when it comes to specifications. If you want a machine you can upgrade beyond the drive, RAM, or sometimes anything at all, it’ll cost you $2,499 for a Mac Pro.
Windows, compared to Mac, has more software.
The Windows store has approximately 50,000 apps despite its youth whereas the Mac App Store had a little under 14,000 at the end of its second year. Of course, the Window Store is a store for tablet apps, so those numbers may not be a perfect measurement.
Windows Offers Greater Flexibility
Although OS X doesn’t suffer from Apple’s “walled garden” philosophy as its mobile counterpart iOS, it’s hard to argue that Macs offer as much flexibility as Windows PC. From a hardware standpoint, most Windows PCs let you upgrade whatever you like whereas Macs do not. Windows users also have the benefit of everything being made specifically for them. With software, you’ll find Apple drops compatibility with old applications far faster