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Safety Grocery Tips During COVID19

How did COVID19 affect our grocery shopping?

Indeed, COVID19 has affected 80% of the lifestyle people are living. Even the normal mundane tasks such as grocery shopping can be more difficult and risky than they once were.


People are no longer safe when going out to buy essentials and food in the grocery. The joy of riding in big grocery carts and getting as many chips as you can now be done in limited essentials, timed grocery shopping and of course the risk of a possible virus contact in it.


That’s why today, we’re here to help you keep safe while you are out grocery shopping.


Keep Your Carts Clean

If you do go to the store on your own, follow all recommended safety precautions. Ensure that you are six feet apart from other shoppers at all times, even if both of you are wearing face masks or cloth face coverings. 


Wearing a mask in public places is recommended, and that includes the grocery store, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Consider bringing along your own disinfectant or germicide for the grocery cart you use. Plan what you’re going to buy ahead of time so you can make your trip as brief as possible.

Disinfect at Home

Once you return home, leave any groceries that don’t need to be refrigerated in your garage. Collect your canned goods and put them away the next day, even disinfecting them as a precaution. 


Did you know you can make your own disinfectant using just two ingredients? All you need is bleach and water: Either ⅓ of a cup of bleach per gallon of water or 4 teaspoons per quart of water, according to the CDC.

Touch Only What You Buy

Try not to touch things unnecessarily, NC State says. That means don’t pick up multiple produce items to try to find the ripest one, for example.


Buy Toys and Disinfect Them

Do kids need toys at home? Of course, you can always find ways to buy them new toys or reinvent new ones to ensure they stay entertained at home despite the cancellation of classes. Make sure to read here for the right toys for a 4 yr old girls.